Single (Part 2)
A few months back, the Lord put it on my heart to write a bit about singleness- this is part 2, as the Lord has again laid it on my heart to share on this topic. I hope it is an encouragement to you as you read and (to those single friends) as your persevere in singleness.
The gift of singleness
Over the years that I have spent as a single, the Lord has been challenging my perspective on this whole season of life. I don't know how you view your own singleness, but in my mind and experience, there are two ways of looking at singleness: it is either a gift, or it is a burden- but rarely is it anything in between. Lately I have been challenged to really look at these years as a gift- not just saying it in words, but actually truly rejoicing and giving thanks for these years and cherishing every moment of them. I did not always see things this way though, and some days I still struggle to view singleness as something to rejoice over.
I don't know where you fall on the spectrum. Maybe you love being single and you can't see any better way! Maybe you hate it and can't wait to be with that "perfect match- can't they just find you already?" Wherever you may be- we are in this walk together.
In my last post on singleness I talked a little bit about what you can do with your single years to fill them up with good things and truly enjoy them. This time I want to talk a bit about why they have the potential to be so amazing. I want to invite you be challenged and perhaps have your perspective changed so you too can embrace singleness as a gift. Singleness does not have to be second best.
We already have all we need
One day, I was talking with one of my dearest friends about being single and pursuing Jesus. She said something to me that was simple, but has stuck with me and challenged me over and over. She said, "the great thing about Jesus is that He is the only one who can truly fulfill the deepest desires of our hearts, and we already have Him- isn't it great!?" And it is really is. Singleness can be a time to press hard into intimacy with the One who our hearts are really longing for!
Waste our love on Him
You have probably heard the Christian phrase, "I would waste my love on you Jesus." I'd "waste" my talents, I'd "waste" my money, or I'd "waste" my years. I've definitely heard the phrase used in the church. I think it originates from the story where Mary takes her expensive perfume and pours it out on Jesus feet and the disciples ask Jesus how He could allow her to "waste" something so valuable, on Him. If we think about it though- He is so wonderfully worth it! What an honor to be allowed to pour our whole hearts out for Him and never regret a bit. Some may view single years of serving Jesus as "wasting the best years of their lives." Let us not be among those. Let's count it a joy and honor to be able to serve Him wholeheartedly during some of the best years of our lives!
Unhindered Devotion
I so love Paul's heart in 1 Corinthians 7 where he talks about singleness. "I say this for your own benefit, not to put any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and unhindered devotion to the Lord." He doesn't speak of singleness to burden hearts, but instead to encourage young believers to have hearts that are able to seek, love and serve God with nothing holding them back. What a gift! Instead of pining over that person who seems to be just out of reach (I do it too!) let's take advantage of this time to have hearts that are fully devoted to Jesus!
My friends, I simply want to be an encouragement to you. Ask Jesus to reveal to your heart all the ways singleness is a gift. I pray that He will increase your joy in Him, that you may really see these years as some of the best of your life! Let's press into Jesus together with a heart that is undivided and see what He will do!
I hope that we together, can see singleness as more and more of a gift each day! That we can count it an honor to close our doors and enter the secret place, knowing that our hearts are coming to Jesus undivided. May He change our perspective as we give thanks for where He has us and may He release us to live radical lives of love for Him through every day of singleness. I realize that this is an ideal- one that can be a real struggle to live sometimes, but I am not alone and you are not alone, let's lean on one another and on Jesus. I am praying for you on your journey!
nice post. hope to read more go your blog