Upcoming DTS... a new season!
I can't believe it's already happening! As soon as Halloween hits, everything seems like a whirl wind, and before I know it, I'll be off to Texas for 5 months of learning, and growing; being trained and equipped. It all comes down to: knowing God and making Him know, as is the motto of Youth With a Mission (YWAM). In short, what does the radical love of God look like in a life? What does it look like when it gets a hold of all of my life?
I'm so excited to begin this journey. God is so good! He has been so faithful this past year in the ways, huge and small, by which He has loved and led me. I was able to graduate a year early from High School, which has now given me the opportunity to set this school year aside to specifically focus on Him, and take time to hear from Him on what He has for me in the years to come. So far, it's been a huge blessing!
Living here at YWAM L.A is such a huge blessing as well! I can't even begin to name all the ways I have been encouraged to grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus, and seek Him wholeheartedly. It has allowed for a lot of growth in me as I've seen the ways God is at work. Getting to watch the lives of countless numbers of students, being completely transformed by the love of God, gives me a deeper desire to allow His transformational love to work in me. It puts a longing in my heart to see every nation and people transformed by the reality of this radical, loving and compassionate God.
As I've been praying, and seeking the Lord about where my next steps should be, I have felt Him leading me to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS) focused on Life and Justice, this winter. The school will take place over a period of about 5 months (from early January to late May) , and is broken into 2 phases. For the first 3 months I will be taking classes on a beautiful Ranch in Texas (woo-hoo!).
Here is a bit more from YWAM Tyler: "The Life and Justice Discipleship Training School (LDTS) is a training opportunity to experience YWAM Tyler’s Classic DTS, but with an added emphasis on life and justice issues that are prevalent in this generation. The teaching focuses on the intrinsic value of all human life, God’s purposes for relationships, and the God-ordained institution of the family. Woven into the purposes and outcomes of a DTS are topics on unplanned pregnancy, fatherlessness, adoption, children at risk, human trafficking, the elderly/hospice care, and how to honor God's character in the midst of such brokenness."
After the months of training I will go overseas for 8 weeks, to put into practice the things I learn, and to bring the light of Christ's love to the broken. I'm not sure yet, where I will be going, but I'm hoping for South Africa! We'll see where I end up. I'm so excited to go wherever God wants to send me!
As I embark on this new adventure, I would love if you could join with me in prayer. I want to use these next months to continually know God and make Him known.This is what I want my life to be about! I want, most of all, for Him to be glorified in my life. I want to grow closer to Him, stay healthy, and have a soft heart that is open to how the Spirit wants to work. I want to stay encouraged, and unafraid. And I want to be able to extend His love to the world. These are some things you could be praying for. Your prayers would be the best gift!
If you would like to donate financially, I have to raise $7,175 plus money for a few other small expenses. This will cover school tuition, books, room and board for the Lecture phase, and also everything for outreach phase, including travel. This does not include the fees to get to Texas, and back, but some friends have generously donated their air miles for that purpose (Thank you guys!). I have been working and saving, but still need to raise about $5,000. You can donate to me by simply clicking the "Donate" button on the left.
If you would like to find out more information about YWAM you can do so at: http://www.ywam.org/ or http://ywamtyler.org/ Thanks for reading! May you be encouraged today by the relentless love of our God!
I'm so excited to begin this journey. God is so good! He has been so faithful this past year in the ways, huge and small, by which He has loved and led me. I was able to graduate a year early from High School, which has now given me the opportunity to set this school year aside to specifically focus on Him, and take time to hear from Him on what He has for me in the years to come. So far, it's been a huge blessing!
Living here at YWAM L.A is such a huge blessing as well! I can't even begin to name all the ways I have been encouraged to grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus, and seek Him wholeheartedly. It has allowed for a lot of growth in me as I've seen the ways God is at work. Getting to watch the lives of countless numbers of students, being completely transformed by the love of God, gives me a deeper desire to allow His transformational love to work in me. It puts a longing in my heart to see every nation and people transformed by the reality of this radical, loving and compassionate God.
As I've been praying, and seeking the Lord about where my next steps should be, I have felt Him leading me to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS) focused on Life and Justice, this winter. The school will take place over a period of about 5 months (from early January to late May) , and is broken into 2 phases. For the first 3 months I will be taking classes on a beautiful Ranch in Texas (woo-hoo!).
Here is a bit more from YWAM Tyler: "The Life and Justice Discipleship Training School (LDTS) is a training opportunity to experience YWAM Tyler’s Classic DTS, but with an added emphasis on life and justice issues that are prevalent in this generation. The teaching focuses on the intrinsic value of all human life, God’s purposes for relationships, and the God-ordained institution of the family. Woven into the purposes and outcomes of a DTS are topics on unplanned pregnancy, fatherlessness, adoption, children at risk, human trafficking, the elderly/hospice care, and how to honor God's character in the midst of such brokenness."
After the months of training I will go overseas for 8 weeks, to put into practice the things I learn, and to bring the light of Christ's love to the broken. I'm not sure yet, where I will be going, but I'm hoping for South Africa! We'll see where I end up. I'm so excited to go wherever God wants to send me!
As I embark on this new adventure, I would love if you could join with me in prayer. I want to use these next months to continually know God and make Him known.This is what I want my life to be about! I want, most of all, for Him to be glorified in my life. I want to grow closer to Him, stay healthy, and have a soft heart that is open to how the Spirit wants to work. I want to stay encouraged, and unafraid. And I want to be able to extend His love to the world. These are some things you could be praying for. Your prayers would be the best gift!
If you would like to donate financially, I have to raise $7,175 plus money for a few other small expenses. This will cover school tuition, books, room and board for the Lecture phase, and also everything for outreach phase, including travel. This does not include the fees to get to Texas, and back, but some friends have generously donated their air miles for that purpose (Thank you guys!). I have been working and saving, but still need to raise about $5,000. You can donate to me by simply clicking the "Donate" button on the left.
If you would like to find out more information about YWAM you can do so at: http://www.ywam.org/ or http://ywamtyler.org/ Thanks for reading! May you be encouraged today by the relentless love of our God!
You should update this more. I would love to hear whats going on over there in Texas, or if you even made it there.