A man who lived righteous.
We walked up to the door on a warm day, and called out "Upe, buenas!" This is the Costa Rican saying that you use when you walk up to a home. It lets them know that you are there to see them. The woman opened up the door excitedly and welcomed us into her home, announcing excitedly, "I knew you would come!".
I stood inside her home, after handing her a bible, confusedly wondering how in the world she knew we would be coming. After a few moments of conversation, she asked us to come into the back room and pray for her elderly father, who had an infection in his foot.
He was in his 90's, and he absolutely loved God's word. He told us it was very precious to him. His daughter explained to us that he was a righteous man, who loved God very much, and loved his word. He read it daily, and honored his father and mother from a young age. It was because he honored them, that he was so old, and yet still in such good condition. As God's word says "'Honor your father and mother', this is the first command with a promise." ~ Eph 6:2 She also told us that whenever she was sick, or something went wrong, God always sent someone to pray for him, and he got better! This was why she knew we were coming.
It was such a pleasure to bless this family! I loved meeting someone who loved God, lived righteously, and loved God's word. Isn't this why the body of Christ exists? We are here to spread the love and message of Christ's love, and to encourage the body.
That's all for today! I hope you enjoyed this small testimony of God's love for His faithful ones. Keep loving Him..His love for you is endless!
<3 Cayla
I love this story! It is such a testimony of the statement, "Blessed to be a blessing." What an amazing testimony that man has and what a gift that you all got to be a part of God's faithfulness to him.