Vanilla Ice Cream

     Vanilla ice cream. I like vanilla ice cream- I think that most people do. My favorite flavor though, is coffee or a good rich chocolate flavor. I like the fudge on top- maybe some banana and nuts to make a real Sunday and spice things up a little!

     Once my Youth Pastor talked about vanilla ice cream. He spent some time asking our Youth Group which ice cream flavors we liked and what kinds of toppings we would choose. There were lots of varied answers and I think the winner was mint-chip (I guess that's pretty popular around here!). Out of our group, not a single person chose plain vanilla ice cream.
     He then said something that I pondered for a long time after that because it meant a lot more to me than just ice cream flavors. It went something like this...
     “If you are a beginner, you might start with vanilla, but once you have tasted all the other flavors and toppings, and experienced all the exciting delicious variety- you will never want to go back to plain vanilla ice cream ever again. This is how life with Jesus can be...once you have encountered Him in a real way and seen how He takes your hand and changes your life, you should never want to be the same. You should never simply want to go back to 'same old vanilla ice cream life...' “
     For weeks afterword, I couldn't get that thought out of my head. That is how I wanted my life to be. I wanted Jesus to change me and show me Himself in a way that made me never want to go back to the ordinary. I wanted Him to use me for something greater than me, and make my life more than just plain vanilla ice cream...I wanted the nuts, the chocolate syrup, the whipped cream, and the cherry too. So I started to pray for that in my own 13 year old heart. Over the years I have thought about it here and there; the concept has stayed etched in my heart.

     During my time in South Africa, I saw the love of Jesus real and raw. I saw it displayed in a deeper way than I had ever seen it before. I felt His love for people in a way that was deeper than I knew was possible. I loved being used by Him for His Kingdom and His glory. I loved being a part of bearing His hope to people who needed hope. I loved representing His love on earth.
     When I thought of leaving, sometimes I would cry because the way that Jesus encountered me in that place was so deep and real, that I never wanted to live any other way. I wanted to keep loving the people He loved in that place, and serving those He gave His life to save. I cried because, to be honest, I didn't want to go back to life the way I had known it before. I felt like I was living the way I was created to live- fully alive! And I didn't want it to end.
     I would take all of this to Jesus, because that is all I knew to do. In those moments I would pray things like, “Jesus, I just never want to go back to normal life after all of this. I just don't know how I could Jesus, I feel like I've seen too much...I've seen too much of you. I've seen you and your love and I can't be the same. I never want to be the same. I never want to live life again in a way where this love doesn't accompany me, and where I don't see you, and feel your love for your children.”
     The love and presence of Jesus was so strong, and His calling on my life, so clear. I loved every moment of this new life I had discovered and I wanted to live it in all it's fullness no matter where in the world the Father led me. I wondered what it would be like to come home.

     A few nights before I flew home, we had a night of prayer and worship where the community of believers and missionaries in Muizenberg spent time commissioning us as we left South Africa. A woman approached me who I didn't know and began to pray. She prayed a lot of encouraging things over me, and then she said something that really shook me up, “You have seen Jesus, you have met Him and shared His love here in a deep way. You can never go back to a vanilla ice cream life...”
     In that moment it all came rushing back to me- the words that my Youth Pastor spoke probably 6 years before. I remembered all the prayers I prayed in light of this, and also the ones I had prayed since being there in South Africa. I had such peace and joy in knowing that God heard my prayers the recent ones and the ones from years behind me. He and I...we knew exactly what the Vanilla Ice Cream was about.

     God- He encourages us towards the life He has in store for us. With Him it is filled with adventure, miracles, life and beauty. He promises that it will not be easy, but that it will be full of life.

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” - John 10:10b

     I am remembering these words today as I enjoy this time of restfulness. I am remembering that even today He calls His children into deeper life and fullness because that is simply what life with Him is like and once you have tasted His closeness and just a bit of His love and His healing and grace- you never have to go back to Vanilla Ice Cream.

     Also, I just want to give a shout out to Youth Pastors and leaders. Thank you for all you do- it really does make a difference. God is using you far beyond what you see!

     I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday flavored with the love and wonder of Jesus Christ!


  1. Hi Cayla,
    blessings on you as you experience "rocky road" and "cotton candy" days ahead.
    Send me your email and I'll send you our monthly eletter. I pray this little bit will multiply over and over to meet your needs.


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