The Love Story of Deuteronomy

   I love love stories. I don't know why it is exactly, that I love them so much, but I do! You might sit down and talk to me about the Bible and walk away wondering if that girl you just talked to was really insane, or if she just likes to fantasize and turn everything into a love story, regardless of whether it's really there or not. I suppose you'll just have to judge for yourself, and come to your own conclusions.
   I like to look at things a little differently. Why is romance so important in life? Why does it stir the hearts of young and old, men and women, little boys and girls alike?
   There is a quote by G.K Chesterton that says “Romance is the deepest thing in life. Deeper even, than reality.” I think it is the most real reality, because to be loved is such a key part of the entire reason we were created! While so many pagan cultures believed that their god's created man for the purpose of work, and serving the god's, our God, the God who created man- had a different purpose in mind.
   God created man for relationship with Himself. God created us, to love us and for us to be in right relationship with Him. God put romance deep inside of our souls, at the very core of who we are. He created us with a desire to pursue and be pursued, loved, cherished, and delighted in because He wants to pursue us endlessly with His love. He desires to save our hearts that we might be won to Him and be cherished and loved by Him forever. God longs for a relationship of deep love with His people.
   I see the book of Deuteronomy as simply the the retelling of a love story between this intimate loving God, and His people Israel. Interwoven in every word from beginning to end is this message: “I love you...I love you..I love you. Won't you love me back? Love me too...” He has pursued them, delivered them, been faithful in spite of their constant unfaithfulness, and He loved them even when they were totally unaware that He was right there. God loved Israel relentlessly, no matter how they responded to His love, or even if they noticed.
   God is the God that pursues people, in order to offer them the very best and fullest life. He pursues that He might love. And what does He ever gain? Our love in return? Maybe. But then again, maybe not...
   Love is a risky business. When you choose to love someone, it is a vulnerable thing. You choose to live in a way that gives very best to that person, that they might live their best life. Something I've learned about love is this: you have a choice to love someone, but no matter how well you do it, it is up to them what they choose to do with that love. Love can be abused and thrown away. Love can be ignored. Love can be received and reciprocated.
   The whole idea of love may be simple, but walking it out, rarely is. Loving can be painful. In choosing love, God put himself at risk of intense pain. God loved at the cost of His own heart being broken.
The amazing thing about God, is that he chooses love. He chooses to love people whether they will reject Him, twist His love, ignore it, or accept it. Why? Because God is love itself, and that is the very nature of what love is. Love is a choice. It is a choice to keep acting towards someone in a way that is for their highest good, to continually give this invitation to the fullest life, no matter how they act, or what they choose to do with it.
   This is what God did for Israel, and this is what He does through Jesus, for all humanity. He didn't choose them because of who they were, He simply chose them because He loved them. Deuteronomy
7:7-8 “It was not because you were more numerous than any other people that the Lord set his heart on you and chose you-for you were the fewest of all peoples. It was because the Lord loved you...”

   I remember that day, when I first started to question her story, her words, our friendship. I thought, “You know what, if this is all a lie, if everything I thought of her is opposite of who she really is, if this is all just a sick game that I've been too blind to see- I will still love her.” That was the most painful decision I've even made in my life.
   When you choose to love someone, there is never a guarantee that they won't throw it back in your face, and rip your heart out. Love chooses to keep showing love, no matter the response. This is the nature of love. It is not based out of the response of the object of love, but the heart of the giver.
   Thank you God, that you are so loving. That you put this deep desire for love within our hearts, but don't intend to leave us with unfulfilled and aching desire. You come and meet the desire in our hearts, to be loved. Thank you for risking heartache and pain, to love me. I want my life to reflect the radical love that you have...
The same way that you called out to the nation of Israel with this invitation, you call to my heart. I want to love you God. Though I'm sure it's only scratching the surface, I think I'm starting to understand your love, and the high price you paid to love me. I want to love you back..I want to be willing to risk pain and heartache for the sake of others experiencing your love.
   Thank you that love is a choice, something we are given the opportunity to choose daily. Teach me what it looks like to live love. Teach me to choose love.
   Thank you for all the ways, big and small, that you romance my heart, drawing me deeper into your love. Here I am. I want to love you back...


  1. Deuteronomy is awesome! Love it!

  2. This is beautiful! It makes me want to read it with fresh eyes.

  3. This is truly amazing love... a big lesson to learn and apply to my life. I am going to take your prayer and make it mine today. Thank you Cayla


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